Widget Library
Lumigo provides a library of prebuilt widgets you can add to your dashboard or use as a starting point for your custom widgets. You can access the widget library by clicking the Add Widgets in your dashboard.

The library includes:
Function Invocation
A chart comparing the number of AWS Lambda function invocations.
Invocation Failures
A chart comparing the number of failed AWS Lambda function invocations.
Most Failed Function
The five most frequently failed AWS Lambda functions.
Container Requests
A chart comparing the number of traced container requests.
Container Request Failures
A chart comparing the number of failed traced container requests.
Most Failed Services
The five most frequently failed containerized services.
Cloud Service Latency
A table showing the p95 and p99 of cloud-service latencies.
Functions with the Most Cold Starts
The five most frequently AWS Lambda functions that experienced cold-start.
Functions Timeout
The five most frequently timed out AWS Lambda functions.
Functions Duration
A table showing the p95 and p99 of AWS Lambda functions duration.
Most Invoked Functions
The five most frequently invoked AWS Lambda functions.
Functions Cost
A chart comparing the cost of AWS Lambda functions.
Most Throttled Functions
The five most frequently throttled AWS Lambda functions.
Throttled Function Invocations
A chart comparing the number of throttled AWS Lambda function invocations.
Learn more
Custom Widgets
Customized trace-based metrics to get accurate insights and mitigate risks.
Updated 3 months ago