Import CloudWatch Alarms
CloudWatch Metric Alarms are triggered when a CloudWatch Metric exceeds a threshold during a period of time. An example is a CloudWatch Metric Alarm triggered when the number of messages added to an SQS queue exceeds 10 in the last 10 minutes.
Import existing CloudWatch alarms
CloudWatch alarms can be imported to Lumigo by adding to your alarm configuration any of the following:
- AWS tag:
- Substring in your alarm description:
Set notifications
You can configure Lumigo as the notification service for your imported CloudWatch Alarm by adding AWS Tags or updating the Alarm description:
Configuring notifications using AWS tags:
- Set notification service
- Slack:
- Email:
- PagerDuty:
- Slack:
- Set notification frequency:
lumigo_alert_frequency:Every event/1h/4h/12h/24h
- Set notification service
Configuring notifications in the CloudWatch Alarm description:
- Set notifications service:
- Slack notifications:
[lumigo_alert_slack: channel1, channel2]
- Email notifications:
[lumigo_alert_slack: address1, address2]
- PagerDuty:
- Slack notifications:
- Set notification frequency:
[lumigo_alert_frequency: Every event/1h/4h/12h/24h]
- Supported notification channels:
- Slack
- PagerDuty
- Microsoft Teams
- VictorOps
- OpsGenie
- Set notifications service:
Alarms that were imported to Lumigo are in read-only mode, and can be updated or deleted only through AWS.
Delete imported CloudWatch Alarm
Deleting an imported CloudWatch Alarm can be done via any of the following:
- Remove the AWS tag
- Remove
from your alarm description
Lumigo scans CloudWatch for updates every 10 minutes.
Updated 3 months ago