Endpoints provides a more detailed view of the service operations, including its API, with the added benefit of detecting the associated service endpoint utilized as part of the trace. For example, an HTTP method and path combination would make up an endpoint of an HTTP service.

Lumigo employs predefined rules to autonomously identify endpoints, which are subsequently displayed on the platform as part of the trace display.

Endpoint Mapping Rules

Lumigo uses a set of predefined rules to automatically map endpoints. The respective endpoint is created whenever a rule matches.

Endpoint TypeRule
HTTP Endpoint<http_method> <path | route> OR <http_method> <path>
Example: POST /prod/ride
SQL Database EndpointsThe first 50 characters of the SQL query
Example: {"query": "\"SELECT receipt.tabs_id AS receipt_tab
GraphQL Endpoints<operation_type: query | mutation> <operation_name>
Example: query getUnicornsTags
MongoDB / DocumentDB Endpoints<operation> <collection>
Example: INSERT unicorns
Redis EndpointsRedis command, a.k.a., the operation passed to the client.
Example: SET
Twilio EndpointsTwilio method, a.k.a., the operation passed to the client.
Example: POST
Example: AdminGetUser
Amazon DynamoDB<operation> \<table_name>.
Example: GetItem wildrydes-prod-OccupiedUnicorns-ZC0TEIXM6XLY
Amazon EventBridge<action> \<event_bus_name> OR <action>
Example: PutEvents socialprod
Amazon Kinesis Firehose or Stream<action> <stream_name> OR <action>
Example: PutRecords wildrydes-prod-PaymentRecords
Amazon S3<operation> <object_name>
Example: PutObject AHYkELb_vDaigq6UNbl0lQ
Amazon SNS<actions> <sns_topic>
Example: Publish wildrydes-prod-unicornDispatched
Amazon SQS<actions> <sqs_queue>
Example: SendMessageBatch wildrydes-prod-unicorn-queue
AWS STS<action>
Example: AssumeRole
Else <span_name> (containers only) OR unknown