
Log Search & Filter


There are 2 types of searching in Lumigo-

  1. Free text search
    To search for all logs containing a single term (e.g. error) simply insert the word in the search bar. To search for a group of words, surround your search term with double quotes (e.g. "fatal error")
  2. Attribute Search
    Searching for a specific attribute is done either by typing the attribute name, or selecting it from the autocomplete suggestions. To search specific attributes, prefix the attribute to your terms, such as source: "agent_unicorn" See Matching Operators below for more details.


Text Search Operators






message:*error - logs with messages that end with the string error message:error*- logs with messages that start with the string error message:*error*- logs with messages that contain the string error



resource:wildrydes-dev-invokeLambdas - logs originate from resources whose names precisely equal "wildrydes-dev-invokeLambdas."


  • *-key:**value

-resource:wildrydes-dev-invokeLambdas - logs originate from resources whose names don't equal "wildrydes-dev-invokeLambdas."

Key exists


issue:* - logs that contain the keyissue

Key doesn't exist


-issue:* - logs that don't contain the key issue

Numeric Search Operators

Greater thankey**:>**valueprice:>400 - logs with price value bigger than 400
Smaller thankey**:<**valueprice:\<400 - logs with price value smaller than 400

Multi-condition queries

To combine multiple queries, Lumigo supports AND,OR and NOT matching operators.


To avoid creating ambiguous queries, use parentheses.

For example: ( level:error OR level:warning ) AND resource:lambda-function

Date Filtering

Date filtering is exclusively performed via the date picker, with options for custom time frames including the last 15 minutes and a "MAX" option to search all logs within the retention period.

The default time frame for searches is set to the last 15 minutes.