Lumigo Kubernetes Operator
The best way to monitor Kubernetes applications with Lumigo
The distributed tracing of Node.js and Python applications running on Amazon EKS or other flavors of Kubernetes is entirely automated via the Lumigo Kubernetes operator (on ArtifactHub).
The following command installs the operator and immediately applies monitoring to the specified namespaces, with traces or logs enabled or disabled as specified. By default, both are set to true
helm repo add lumigo && \
helm repo update && \
echo "
name: <cluster name>
value: <Lumigo token>
- namespace: <your namespace>
loggingEnabled: true
tracingEnabled: true
- namespace: <your namespace>
loggingEnabled: false
tracingEnabled: true
" | helm upgrade -i lumigo lumigo/lumigo-operator --namespace lumigo-system --create-namespace --values -
Make sure to change YOUR_LUMIGO_TOKEN
to the Lumigo Token of your project.
The Lumigo Kubernetes operator will update your deployments, DaemonSets, ReplicaSets, StatefulSets, CronJobs and jobs to be traced with the Lumigo OpenTelemetry Distro for Node.js and Lumigo OpenTelemetry Distro for Python.
Adding additional namespaces can be done by re-running the command above with the only additional namespaces added to the monitoredNamespaces list. There is no need to re-include the ones from previous runs.
More detailed instructions are available in the Lumigo Kubernetes operator repository on GitHub.
Updated about 1 month ago