Lumigo webhook integration allows you to receive live alerts to your preferred apps, even if they are not on the list of pre-built integrations. To integrate webhooks follow the steps below:

  • From your project's sidebar, click Settings > Integrations.
  • Under Webhooks , click "Integrate"
  • Enter your webhook name and URL in the provided fields.
  • Click “Save”

Set up and Manage Alerts

Once you have connected Lumigo to a webhook, you can create and edit your Alerts. Click Alerts, and follow the following steps:

  • Select Webhooks as a notifications service
  • Define the notifications preferences
  • Click "Save Alert"

Webhook Payload

lumigoProject.idID of the affected Lumigo project
lumigoProject.nameName of the affected Lumigo project
issue.idID of the detected issue
issue.levelThe level (category) of the issue: error, warning, insight
issue.typeIssue type (e.g. 404 Client error response)
issue.stateThe state of the issue
issue.messageIssue message (e.g. {"message":"Unicorn not found"})
issue.lastOccurrenceTimestampUnix 13-digit epoch timestamp of the last issue occurrence.
issue.isCloudwatchA boolean field to specify whether it’s a cw issue.
issue.cloudwatch.metricNamespaceCloudWatch metric namespace
issue.cloudwatch.metricDimensionsCloudWatch metric dimension(s)
issue.metric.periodSecondsThe metric evaluation period in seconds
issue.metric.statisticThe statistic defined in the alert condition
issue.metric.thresholdThe TH defined in the alert condition
resource.idID of the affected resource
resource.typeType of the affected resource
resource.nameName of the affected resource
resource.regionRegion of the affected resource
resource.runtimeRuntime of the affected resource